Artist Statement

The Why
I strive to convey fleeting moments that resonate as guides to my own life — subtlety, simplicity, the sublime. The canvas of my inspiration is the American West, its broad brush strokes of wilderness and agriculture. I value intimacy of place, returning frequently to locations where time and communion have deepened my understanding of both place and self.

The Discipline
I've disciplined myself to explore without the weight (both physical and psychological) of a camera. The ability to see photographs is a mysterious balance of curiosity, receptivity, and experience. The acuteness of my receptivity, a discipline in letting go of preconceptions, can be elusive and frustrating. The process is a meditation, a "non-effort" in becoming fully present and aware of the surroundings.

In the Field
When inspiration is found, it necessitates careful consideration of subject and light. Returning, under optimal conditions, to make the intended photograph can take minutes, a day, sometimes years. Or not at all. While intended photographs are sometimes lost, I believe this approach enables me to create intimate meditative photographs that evoke both a sense and transcendence of place and subject.

The Darkroom
The exposed photograph is just the first half of the creative journey. Whether exposed to grain or pixel, the goal is to articulate the composition into a meticulously crafted and considered photographic print. A new process begins, exploring variations in color and tonal balance, contrast, and emphasis, each iteration informing the whole of the completed work.

The Photographic Print
My intention in the final print is two-fold: to convey the veracity of the original composition while invoking a sense of wonder beyond the composition's physical elements. While the print is the culmination of my effort, it is only successful if my effort is transparent to the viewer.

And You
Conveying light and form to move the viewer to emotion, curiosity, even introspection, is the true joy I find in photography and print making.
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- My Story